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Poets House: Remote 6-week Workshop: Miranda Beeson: Writing the World Through Our Five Senses

Six Saturdays  |  Jan 25 – Mar 1  |  12–2 PM ET |  $360 ($320 for Members)

Remote Workshops will take place on Zoom.

For more information and to sign up, click HERE.

No ideas but in things. This from William Carlos Williams. What did WCW mean? To illuminate ideas and emotions, we must first anchor them in the physical world. How do we do this? Simply said, over six weeks—the five senses will be our guides. Taste, Touch, Sound, Scent & Vision will prompt our poems. Sensory language creates images, and images in turn move toward meaning. What we hope for in every poem we read. A flash of revelation! This is a generative (& fun) workshop. We will read widely—& write a poem (from “sensational” prompts) for each of our sessions.

August 4

Gerald Wagoner’s A Persistence of Cormorants Summer Reading Series at Gowanus Dredgers